SAS Awards 2022
Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society) was established in 2011 and registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860, India. SAS Society is a scientific, educational and professional non-profit organization established with the aim to uplift Scholars, Academicians and Researchers in all academic and scientific disciplines.
SAS Society is dedicated for publishing Scientific Journals, Books, Providing Professional Memberships, Conducting Conferences, Seminar and Award Programmes. SAS Society is currently running Five Academic Publishers from India, Dubai, Kenya and Bangladesh for scientific journals with total 108 monthly Journals and expanding up to 200 journals by 2024. By Today, SAS Society is having total 256 professional members and 870 editors and reviewers around the Globe. Till June, 2019; 54787 researchers have published 32250 Research Papers with our journals from 87 Countries.
Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society) recognize the commitment and astonishing works in all academic and research fields. By recognizing their contribution; SAS Society inspires and motivate scholars, researcher and academicians by giving SAS International Best Academician and Researcher Awards along with other specific awards in all academic disciplines and categories. These Awards include prestigious Award Certificate, Memento and Cash Amount along with other gifts. These Awards are given in generally yearly once in Gala Award Programme conducted in some city may in India or Abroad time to time.
Award Categories:
SAS Best Researcher Awards (One in each category):
Medical Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary, Dentistry, Nursing, Linguistics, Literature, Economics, Business, Management Studies, Physical Sciences, Traditional Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Applied Disciplines.
SAS Best Academician Awards (One in each category):
Medical Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Life Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary, Dentistry, Nursing, Linguistics, Literature, Economics, Business, Management Studies, Physical Sciences, Traditional Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Applied Disciplines.
SAS Specific Awards
- SAS Honorium Fellowship (5 members)
- SAS Lifetime Achievement Award (5 Members)
- SAS Best Institution Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Publication Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Research Supervisor Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Director/Principal Award (1 Number)
- SAS Academic Entrepreneurship Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Women Faculty Award (1 Number)
- SAS Young Researcher Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Teacher Award (1 Number)
- SAS Best Editor Award (1 Number)
Who Can Apply For Awards
- Any Fellow Member, Life Member or Regular member can apply free of cost.
- Other candidates can apply with a registration Fee i.e. Rs-1000 (Indian) or USD 25 (Foreign)
N.B: Award winner will get full refund of registration fee (if registered (not for FSASS/LMSASS/RMSASS) with other advantages.
N.B: Interested Institutions, Organization or Individual who want to collaborate or involve as sponsor for SAS International Conference and Awards 2020 are requested to contact by email: or Whatsapp: +91-9014252992