Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society) is providing  SAS Life Membership (LMSASS) to  those persons who have contributed immensely in the field of academics and research.  The Validity of LMSASS is life time. Any person, who has minimum qualification of  Master’s degree  in any academic fields or a bachelor degree with minimum 5 years academic or research experiences or Bachelor degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering or other professional courses  can apply for LMSASS.

Master’s degree in any academic fields/ Bachelor degree with minimum 5 years’ Experience/ Bachelor degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering or other professional courses

  • Members are privilege to write Membership Title after their name as membership qualification as LMSASS. Eg: Eg. Dr. K. R. Saxsena. PhD, LMSASS
  • Members are exempted for any registration fee for applying SAS Annual International Awards.
  • Members will receive special waiver upto 50% in publication fee in our journals.
  • Members will receive special waiver upto 50% in registration fee in our SAS Conferences/Seminars/Workshops.
  • Members will receive special weightage to become Editors/Guest Editors for our journals.
  • Members are welcome to associate with us for our activities like hosting webinar, national or international seminar or conferences or award functions etc.
  • Never the least, we are providing  a prestigious membership Certificate for recognition which is useful for  academic and professional expansion.

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/09

Mr. Asish Bhaumik
Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Anurag Pharmacy College, Ananthagiri
Kodad, Suryapeta, Telangana, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/07

Mr. Nazrul Islam
Manager and Secretary, SAS Publishers, Borhaowor, P.S-Murajhar, Hojai, Assam-782439, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/06

Dr. Gan Siew Hua
Director, Human Genome Centre, School of Medical Sciences, UniversitiSains Malaysia,
16150 KubangKerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/05

Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman
Associate Professor, Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, Anurag Pharmacy College, Ananthagiri, Kodad, Suryapeta, Telangana, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/04

Dr. Arup J.D Sharma
Deputy Controller of Examination, Assam Down Town University, Sankar Madhab Path, Gandhi Nagar, Panikhaiti, Assam 781068, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/02

Dr. Biplab Kumar Dey
Principal, Department of Pharmacy, Assam Down Town University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015

Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/01

Dr. Tarun Kanti Ghosh
Professor, Regional Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tripura University (Central), Tripura, India
Date of Issue: 14/08/2015