Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SAS Society) is providing SAS Fellow Membership (FSASS) to those persons who have contributed immensely in the field of academics and research. The Validity of FSASS is life time. Any person, who has Doctorate degree (PhD) or Master’s degree with minimum 5 years academic or research experiences or Bachelor degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering or other professional courses with minimum 10 years’ experiences can apply for FSASS.
Doctorate degree (PhD) or Master’s degree with minimum 5 years academic/research experiences or Bachelor degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering or other professional courses with minimum 5 years’ experience.
Members are privilege to write Membership Title after their name as membership qualification as FSASS. e.g: Eg. Dr. K. R. Saxsena. PhD, FSASS
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Members will receive special waiver upto 50% in publication fee in our journals.
Members will receive special waiver upto 50% in registration fee in our SAS Conferences/Seminars/Workshops.
Members will receive special weightage to become Editors/Guest Editors for our journals.
Members are welcome to associate with us for our activities like hosting webinar, national or international seminar or conferences or award functions etc.
Never the least, we are providing a prestigious membership Certificate for recognition which is useful for academic and professional expansion.
Dr Manpreet Singh
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh, India Date of Issue: 19/07/2021
Dr. Hanumantappa B Nayaka
Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College Autonomous, K Narayanpure, Kothanoor P O, Bengaluru-77, Karnataka, INDIA Date of Issue: 19/07/2021
Dr. Sangram Sahebrao Dhumal
Professor of Horticulture (I/c), Rajarshee Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj College of Agriculture, Kolhapur (MPKV, Rahuri), Maharashtra, India Date of Issue: 18/07/2021
Dr. Jijo James Indiparambil
Principal, Sanjo College of Management and Advanced Studies (SCMAS), Rajakkad, Idukki – 685566, Kerala, India Date of Issue: 18/07/2021
Dr. Sanjay Chandrakant Bhangare
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering (FMPE), College of Agriculture, Karad. MPKV. Rahuri (MS), India Date of Issue: 18/07/2021
Dr. Naresh Kumar Munda
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Amaltas Institute Of Medical Science, Dewas, Ujjain (MP), India Date of Issue: 16/07/2021
Dr Jaya Preethi Peesa
Safety Associate, 9-42-105, First Floor, Opp Telaprolu Raja High School, KT road, Kothapeta, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh-520001, India Date of Issue: 16/07/2021
Professor Mathias Abiodun Emokpae
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, School of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Date of Issue: 16/07/2021
Dr. Bhavana Vankayala
Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad, India Date of Issue: 14/07/2021
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Extension, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri 413722 Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India Date of Issue: 13/07/2021
Dr. Mangesh J. Dagawal
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Smt. Radhabai Sarda College Anjangaon Surji Dist. Amravati ( MS), India Date of Issue: 13/07/2021
Dr. Annie Thomas Director Physiocare & Research Co-ordinator, School of health sciences, Garden City University, 16th KM, Old Madras Road, Bangalore-560 049 Date of Issue: 13/07/2021